Player Development Program

The Player Development Program (PDP) has been established and is designed to help manage our members and the groups we play in. The PDP is focused on 2 objectives;
to provide a simple, fair and effective method of evaluating our members.
to form balanced playing groups of equal size and skills for competitive play at all levels.
The first step in the evaluation process is to speak with your current Group Captain(s) and the Captain(s) of the group you are targeting to move to. The Team Captains play an important role in player movement and will be able to provide you with important information about their group and the opportunity for movement.
The PDP is under constant development and subject to changes that serve the majority of our members. Please check this site frequently for updates.
Last Update: September 20, 2024
Player evaluations for the 2024 season are now completed.
Player Evaluation Guidelines
Players that have submitted an "Evaluation Request Form" will be notified and scheduled for a skills evaluation on the next available date. Evaluations are scheduled on the first Wednesday of each month from 5-8 PM on the permanent courts at Benchlands Park. Dates are subject to change based on court availability. Player registrations will be confirmed by email. Please read the following instructions carefully. To schedule an evaluation complete the request form included at the bottom of this page.
Players who would like to request an evaluation must complete and submit an evaluation request form (see below).
Players will receive confirmation they are registered with the date and time of their evaluation.
The maximum number of players is 12 per evaluation session.
There will be a fee of $25 per player* for each evaluation session; * fees may be waived in some situations.
Players should plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to event start time for check-in and to stretch and warmup.
No shows will not be tolerated; if you do not show up for a scheduled evaluation you will lose your spot on the schedule and your $25 evaluation fee. No exceptions.
The PDP reserves the right to decline any request for an evaluation and all decisions on player movement are final.
There will be no 1 on 1 evaluations, we do not have the resources to provide evaluations outside of scheduled time.
Set up
Evaluators will explain the evaluation format and process with players prior to the start of play.
Players are given an additional 5 minutes for final warm up.
Players will be using the Selkirk S1 pickleballs for play
4 players per court of the same grouping; or 1 group level above.
Maximum 12 players per evaluation session.
Volunteer players with an established club placement may be inserted to even the number of participants, and/or to ensure participants are challenged during play.
Every effort will be made to have only one skill level per court, however based on the number of players, games may require the participation of 2 closely matched skill levels as follows:

Winning/Losing the game is NOT a factor in the evaluation.
All players will be evaluated based on individual skill level.
Players will play 3 games to 15 points with a player of the same level or 1 level above.
Players will rotate partners each game; all players will play with each other 1 time.
Players should focus on displaying the skills required to achieve their target level.
Evaluators will observe and evaluate participants based on criteria on the evaluation sheet during gameplay.
Evaluators will be selected from a group of advanced players from LCPC. Evaluators will be under the direction of the PDP committee. Evaluation teams will consist of:
Minimum of 2 evaluators for 8 players or less
Minimum of 3 evaluators for more than 8 players
At least 1 of the Captains from the team you are targeting to move to should be in attendance for the evaluation.
At the end of play, evaluators will meet with players individually to review their results.
The LCPC Board reserves the right to regulate player movement in order to control the size of each playing group and maintain a balanced schedule.
Players that pass the skills evaluation, but are not immediately accepted into a group, will be given priority consideration for entry into the target group once the conditions allow.
Once a player is accepted into the target group, they will have a probationary period of 4 x 2 hour playing sessions (20-30 games). The player is expected to continue to display the required skills and be competitive at the new level.
Player evaluations for the season are now completed.
The final player evaluation session of the season is scheduled for Wednesday September 18th from 5-8PM.
A maximum of 12 players can be evaluated.
To register please read the following information carefully and submit the request form below.
If the session reaches 12 players, additional players will be added to a waitlist.
Evaluation Forms - Example
The following forms are examples of the skills that evaluators will be looking for during your evaluation. These forms are subject to change and final requirements will be explained at the courts.
Click on the Group below for required skills:
IMPORTANT! - Winning or Losing a game is NOT a factor in the skills evaluation!
Ready to request an evaluation?
Complete the form below and SUBMIT!
Questions ? Please email:
We will do our best to respond to all inquiries.