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LCPC has a Defribrillator

LCPC has purchased an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) that is stored inside the storage shed at Benchlands Park during our playing season April thru May. Instructions for using the AED are included below and all members are encouraged to watch the instructional video by clicking on the button below: 

1. Call 911 - the address for Benchlands Park is 9663 Benchland Dr, Lake Country, BC
2. Calm down and clear people from the area
3. Get AED from storage shed
4. Remove or cut clothing from chest using scissors in package
5. Dry chest with microfibre in kit, using razor (wet it first) to remove hair to improve contact with the pads
6. Place person in a dry area
7. Place pads on chest in locations described after removing covers
8. Push the button to determine if a jolt is needed. Only push the button if the machine says so
9. After pushing button for charge, step back
10. The machine will tell you to charge again or begin CPR
11. Do CPR to the rhythm of the song "Stayin Alive" and compressing 2 centimeters
11. Wait for the paramedics to arrive
12. Grab a cool one, you may have just saved a life!

Click on the AED sign to view the instructional video on how to use the defribrillator.

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